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Clear Lake Visit

Last weekend we went to Clear Lake for a quick tour. I, Shusmita and our 1 year old son Ahyan was joined by our friend Nitol and Liju. Our friend Muthu Prakash joined us in our resort WorldMark for Wyndham the following night. As I always say that the best part of living in America is the long drives like this. We started around 8:30 PM Friday night (30th Nov) and came back Sunday evening (2nd Dec). The first night we reached very late so next day morning we went out to sight seeing (circling around the whole lake) just a little earlier than noon. At night we made barbequee and Prakash reached around 10:30 PM at night. More of our friends from Fremont were supposed to join us but they had to cancel the program at the last moment due to their other involvements. Sunday while returning, we went to Napa Premium Outlet first and did shopping for our upcoming New York visit this month. While coming Liju drove the car and while going back Prakash took Nitol in his car and Liju again drove back. So I got a great chance to sleep in the car pretending that I am helping Liju as a navigator! Above is a short video of our Clear Lake tour although I believe the best view of the lake is from the balcony of our townhouse resort. We had plenty of space as the upstairs is the big master bed room with attached bath and downstairs were another bed room, bath, large living room, kitchen, balcony. I was feeling more satisfied to stay in the resort and gossip with the friends rather than going outside for sight seeing.

My parents are going for Hojj in Saudi Arab the day after tomorrow. I talked over phone to them a little earlier and felt how hard it is for children and parents to stay in two different countries. Career, life style, money keep them separated for long time. It's something that can only be felt, can't be described by a novice writer like me....


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